Live Lightboard: NSX V2T Customer Assessment Workshop

This workshop is designed to help partners understand how to perform V2T assessments for customers. Understand the value of migration, how to perform the assessments and what questions to ask to avoid pitfalls. Also, understand how to determine the appropriate timeline for migration.


Prerequisites: Qualifying customers currently leveraging NSX-V.


Part 1 - 9:00 am to 10:30am

  • Introductions
  • Understanding VMware’s position on V2T Migrations
  • Understanding the cost of doing nothing
  • Value of migration to the business
  • Migration versus Extension: options and decisions 

 Part 2 - 10:45 am to 4:00pm (with lunch and breaks)

  • How to start the assessment
  • Understanding your infrastructure and environment design
  • Questions to ask and pitfalls to avoid
  • Determining your timeline
  • What help is available with migration tools and options
  • Determining the best path forward and justifying it